Tuesday 12 December 2017

Impeccable painting: 5 tips for choosing paint colours

5 tips for choosing paint colours

One of the most fun and exciting aspects of painting a home is the part where you choose the paints. There are many different colours available, and sometimes, the choices can become overwhelming. In some cases, you might find yourself loving the colour in the bucket or on the swatches, but not on your wall. To prevent problems, consider the following tips from professional painters in London as a guide for choosing paint colours:

  1. Refer to actual paint samples – One of the challenges in choosing paint colours is not knowing how a certain shade will look on your wall. Some paint manufacturers offer sample containers in low-cost containers that you can consider if you want to test the paint on your home. Testing is recommended, as colours can dramatically change under your home’s lighting conditions.
  2. Trust the colour experts – Paint stores and professional painters can provide you with paint family colour collections in brochures that can help you figure out the paint colours that can go together, in case you want to use more than one colour. You can find inspiration and examples from websites like Pinterest and houzz.com, too.
  3. Pick the right base colour – The right base colour will be the paint of choice for the entire house. Choose a paint that is based on the permanent fixtures in a room or the features on your home’s exterior. Landscaping can be a factor that can help you decide on a base colour, too.
  4. The colour of your neighbours’ houses – Painters consider the colours of other houses in your neighbourhood before suggesting a particular hue of paint. Make sure your choice will not clash with the colour of other houses, or your house could become an eyesore. In case you plan to sell your house in the future, you may want to avoid bizarre or super-loud colours that will make it difficult to find a potential buyer.
  5. When in doubt, go neutralNeutral paint colours are not all that plain and dull. With a bit of creativity and the right mix of colours, they can add more style and character to your home, while making certain areas of your home look relaxed and welcoming. Consider a neutral colour for the wall and a pastel hue for the ceiling.

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